Emerging Leaders Programme
Unlock your leadership potential and drive positive change in cardiology and the NHS with the BCS Emerging Leaders Programme. Designed to empower healthcare professionals with the skills required to lead service transformation and extend their influence in the field of cardiology, this programme offers a unique opportunity for growth and development.
The British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) Leadership Academy was established in 2019 to develop leadership skills for healthcare professionals through expert Faculty. As part of the Academy, the BCS Emerging Leaders Programme aims to equip delegates with leadership and management skills they will use for the rest of their lives in the NHS and beyond in driving improvements in services for patients. The Programme incorporates sessions with key NHS and professional leaders whom delegates would rarely get the chance to meet in person otherwise. This greatly enriches the course content as they share the secrets of their success and encourage the next generation of leaders.
The Programme is open to senior cardiology trainees, recently appointed consultants, senior nurses, physiologists, and radiographers working in cardiology multi-disciplinary teams. It is underwritten by the BCS and this year for the first time we will be asking delegates to contribute £750 towards the cost. Changes to the Programme this year include 2 days in Cambridge with an overnight stay and the last session of the programme in Manchester with an overnight stay ahead of the BCS conference. The course fees will include dinner and accommodation costs for both overnight stays in Cambridge and Manchester. Delegates will receive free registration to the BCS conference in June 2025 and will be responsible for their transport costs for all programme days in London, Cambridge and Manchester.
There are 18 delegate places available on a competitive basis. Prospective applicants must be BCS members and will be trainees within one year of CCT, consultant cardiologists within 5 years of first appointment in June 2024, physiologists in the HSST/RCP programme to consultant clinical scientists, or nurses and radiographers at Band 8A and above.
The programme represents a significant investment in developing future leadership skills. Therefore, ELP members are expected to use the skills they have developed in the Emerging Leaders Programme to stand for BCS Committee roles or BCS-related activities when opportunities arise. Standing for positions within BCS Committees also provides ELP participants and alumni with the practical opportunity to develop further the skills they built during the program and engage these skills in achieving change and development for the cardiology workforce.
The 2024/25 BCS Emerging Leaders Programme cohort will commence in the autumn. The closing date for applications has now passed. The programme comprises 8.5 days, 5 of which will be delivered face-to-face at the BCS offices, 1 will be a virtual day, and 2 will be held consecutively with an overnight stay in Cambridge. A final session, to include ELP Alumni, will be scheduled for the afternoon before the BCS Annual Conference, which will take place from 2-4 June 2025 in Manchester.
Applicants must be current ordinary members, associate members or affiliate members of the BCS.
For the full details and application form visit here.
This project has been supported by a financial grant from Bayer Plc. Bayer Plc has had no involvement whatsoever in the development or implementation of the project.
Day 1 - 17 October
- Icebreakers and introductions
- Programme introduction and expectations
- NHS infrastructure and how the NHS works
- Understanding the role of managers and how they can help
- Meet previous ELP delegates – top tips on how to get the most out of the programme
- National priorities for Cardiology
- Coaching and mentoring workshop
Day 2 - 13 November
- Leading successful and sustainable projects for quality improvement
- Project management in service improvement
- Running effective meetings
Day 3 - 28 January
- Emotional intelligence: Understanding self to understand others
- DiSC personality tool - introduction
- Leadership and DiSC: It’s all about the EI
- Q&A panel with local system leaders
- Travel to overnight accommodation
Day 4 - 29 January
- NHS funding and the development of successful business cases
Day 5 - 12 February
- Compassionate leadership
- Networking lunch with supporting pharma company reps
- Compassionate leadership (continued)
Day 6 - 17 March
- Building team effectiveness
- Human Factors
- Supporting consistent, constructive and fair evaluation of the actions of staff involved in patient safety incidents
Day 7 - 1 April
- Managing difficult conversations and developing resilience
Day 8 - Date TBC
- National leadership of the NHS
- Service improvement project presentations with Q&A
- End of programme evaluation
- Closing comments and awards
Day 9 - 1 June
- Final afternoon session in Manchester
The yearbook for the 2023/24 cohort of the Emerging Leaders Programme, containing delegate information and their project abstracts will be available soon to view.
- Alice Jackson - Identifying a need for a local infective endocarditis clinic
- Amir Aziz - Remote monitoring post-TAVI to expedite discharge – The Remote study
- Ashok Tahilyani - Seamless Cardiac Care
- Ayisha M Khan-Kheil - The implementation of a cardiac physiologist led heart failure clinic
- Charles Spencer - Developing an Advanced Clinical Practitioner led integrated valve clinic
- Gauri Nepali - Ready Steady Go: Enhancing Transition for Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease to adult congenital heart disease service.
- Hashim M S Hashim - Bridging Gaps in Care: Establishing an Acute Coronary Syndrome Clinic for Timely Patient Follow-Up
- James Curtain - Development of an Integrated Care Service
- Jenna O’Sullivan - Improving care for asymptomatic patients with congenital long QT syndrome through remote monitoring
- Joyee Basu - Exercise Prescription in Inherited Cardiac Conditions
- Kishan Moosai - Setting up an Amiodarone pathway in Eastbourne District General Hospital
- Lavanya Athithan - Development and Expansion of a Heart Failure Virtual Ward Service
- Melissa Bouchard - The Virtual ACHD Sessions The new national online learning platform for trainees
- Nicola Bowers - South Asian Biobank- Collaboration to implement a preventative strategic project investigating lifestyle, environmental, genomic, and molecular factors underlying cardiovascular health outcomes in South Asians
- Robbie Murphy - Service evaluation of a new contrast protocol for cardiac CT’s in patients with Glenn and Fontan circulation
- Suleman Aktaa - Programme to improve cardiovascular Quality of Care: putting theory in action
- Uchenna Ozo - Bridging the Gap: Delivering a PPCI pathway for patients on the Isle of Man
- Zahra Raisi-Estabragh - Excess cardiovascular disease burden in cancer survivors in East London
Day 1 - 30 November
- Programme introduction and expectations
- My leadership journey: how to get established and succeed in cardiology – building teams and working with others
- Understanding the role of managers and how they can help
- Meet previous ELP delegates – top tips on how to get the most out of the programme
- NHS infrastructure and how the NHS works
- Coaching workshop
Day 2 - 20 December
- Leading successful and sustainable projects for quality improvement
- Development of self as a leader
Day 3 - 18 January
- Emotional intelligence: Understanding self to understand others
- DiSC personality tool - introduction
- Leadership and DiSC: It’s all about the EI
- Healthcare Challenge preparation
Day 4 - 13 February
- NHS funding and the development of successful business cases
- Group preparation time - HCC
Day 5 - 18 March
- Compassionate leadership
- Networking lunch with supporting pharma company reps
- Healthcare Challenge presentations
Day 6 - 12 April
- Managing difficult conversations and developing resilience
Day 7 - 30 April
- Building team effectiveness
- Human Factors
- Preparation for the end of the programme
Day 8 - 20 May
- Running effective meetings workshop
- Supporting consistent, constructive and fair evaluation of the actions of staff involved in patient safety incidents
- National priorities for Cardiology
- National leadership of the NHS
- Celebration event – presentation of projects
The yearbook for the 2023/23 cohort of the Emerging Leaders Programme, containing delegate information and their project abstracts will be available soon to view.
- Andrew R Chapman - Implementation of semi-automated electronic correspondence for a regional TAVI service
- Andrew JM Lewis - A new, integrated, opt-out model to connect patients with clinical research opportunities
- Andrew Vanezis - High-fidelity Multi-professional In-situ Simulation in the Cardiac Catheter Laboratory in a Tertiary UK Centre
- Francesco Papalia - Implementing an Ambulatory IV Iron Service in a DGH
- Gavin S Chu - Rebooting the Lancashire Cardiovascular Syncope Service
- Georgiana Neculau - Developing a Nurse-Led Genomic Service to support patients affected by Inherited Cardiac Conditions
- Heba Nashat - Establishing digital application tools in Adult Congenital Heart Disease: A new model of care
- Helen Titu - Establishing a Priority Acute Cardiology e Referral - PACeR Pathway
- Jack Laffan - Reduction of Inappropriate Waste Disposal in the Cath Lab
- Jagdeep Singh - Lessons from an unfinished project
- Katie Francis - GRIT: Getting it Right In Transition – empowering young people with congenital heart disease
- Laurna McGovern - Development of a dedicated post partum clinic for women with cardiovascular disease during pregnancy
- Luis Martinez - Strengthening Referral Networks for Ambulatory Patients with Advanced Heart Failure: A Multi-Centre Quality Improvement Project
- Rebecca Hyland - Remote Monitoring in Heart Failure – Does it Improve Care in a Community Setting?
- Rhodri Davies - Cardiac MRI waiting list backlog reduction with rapid scanning and AI-enabled reporting
- Rohini Ramaseshan - Developing a Pathway and Dedicated Service for Patients with Refractory Angina
- Sally Olsen - Failing To Prevent Is Preparing to Fail: Secondary Prevention - Where are we and what is the solution?
- Tushar Kotecha - Percutaneous thrombectomy service for acute pulmonary embolism
- Yuran Zheng - Development of Cardiac Physiologist Services and remote follow up at the Northern Care Alliance
The yearbook for the 2021/22 cohort of the Emerging Leaders Programme, containing delegate information and their project abstracts, is now available to view.
- Amy Dutton - Developing a future workforce for a Community Diagnostic Centre
- Andrew Morley-Smith - Developing a pathway for ambulant management of endomyocardial biopsy
- Anish Bhuva - A Digital Pathway to Streamline Complex Care: Making MRI Available to patients with Pacemakers and Defibrillators
- Anna Reid - Development of a Single Hospital Service Cardiac Cross Sectional Imaging
- Antonio de Marvao - Maternal Cardiology Networks
- Delyth Rucarean - The impact of an inpatient heart failure team at a Tertiary Cardiac Centre in Wales
- Filip Zemark - Heart failure service for patients with congenital heart diseases
- Fizzah A Choudry - Deferred Angiography pathway for COVID positive patients presenting with NSTEMI
- Harshil Dhutia - Leading a community charity in raising awareness of sudden cardiac arrest in the young
- Jen Peal - Establishing a Collaborative Complex Device Service
- Abishek Joshi - Community Diagnostic Hub Planning In North-East London
- Krishna Rathod - Digitalisation of Electrocardiograms (ECGs) at Barts Health Care NHS Trust: Service development from online requesting to delivering online ECGs at four large hospitals
- Manish Kalla - The Fib & Fit program: prehabilitation to improve AF outcomes
- Martin Stout - Cardiac Outreach for Acute Medicine – Phase 1: Stable Chest Pain
- Nada Al-Sakini - Increasing Psychology Provisions for ACHD Population
- Nang Kyi - Advance Care Plan (ACP) for Young Persons and Adults Living with Heart Failure
- Peter Wheen - The development process of a new imaging technology
- Reinette Hampson - A Novel application of Focused Echocardiography: The Project Management Process
- Rupert Williams - Improved risk stratification, management and follow up of High Risk and Low Risk Cardiac Chest Pain Presentations to A&E
- Sinjini Biswas - Same-day discharge post TAVI using novel ambulatory ECG monitoring devices
- Sree Kondapally - Developing a unified, clinician-lead, electronic referral pathway for Cardiology outpatient services at a tertiary care centre
- Sunita Avinash - To establish a one stop checklist system prior to Cardiac CT to further improve patient care pathways
- Timothy Cartlidge - Development of a Pathway for Early Outpatient Coronary Angiography
- Thomas Treibel - Improving Access to the Heart Valve Team: Valve Week of Excellence
2020/2021 Cohort Yearbook
- Chris Wilkinson - Establishing an ambulatory unit for people with heart failure
- Damien Collinson - Standardisation of diabetes screening and management in patients admitted to NHS Golden Jubilee National Hospital with Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Dan Jones - The Barts Heart Attack Centre early discharge pathway:-a novel protocol for next day discharge after primary PCI for ST-elevation myocardial infarction
- Farhana Ara - Navigating challenges completing a QIP during COVID19: Pacing in post-TAVI patients
- Freya Lodge - Development of a Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Service in South-East Wales
- Gordon Begg - Improving arrhythmia services in a large district general hospital trust
- Hannah Sinclair - Post-Covid-19 Syndrome: A Dedicated Cardiology Clinic
- Hussain Contractor - Establishing a Vascular Optimization Clinic in Greater Manchester
- James O’Neill - Standardising the referral and management of patients with infective endocarditis at a large tertiary cardiothoracic centre
- Jennifer Middleton - Establishing a pathway for the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias in patients with pulmonary hypertension
- John McGowan - Improving Cardiovascular Care for Patients Receiving Immunotherapy for Cancer in North London
- Jonathan Behar - A digital pathway to support pre-procedural, shared decision making and consent
- Jonathan Hinton - Developing a cardiology admission proforma fit for the 21st century
- Merzaka Lazdam - Integrated Care in the Management of Atrial Fibrillation Presentation and Creation of the Hot AF Clinic
- Mohammed Abubakr - KERNOW Comprehensive cardiology chest pain management and treatment pathway
- Oliver Guttman - Introduction of a structured ward round on CCU at Barts Heart Centre
- Pierpaolo Pellicori - Football at the Heart of Research
- Victoria Pettemerides - Improving initiation of Disopyramide for patients with symptomatic obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Victoria Stoll - Improving access to MR imaging for patients with non-MR conditional cardiac devices
The yearbook for the first cohort of the Emerging Leaders Programme, containing delegate information and their project abstracts, is now available to view. The posters produced by delegates for presentation at the end of the cohort can also be viewed below.
View the 2019/20 ELP cohort yearbook
- Alex Rothman - Establishing a remote monitoring service for patients with pulmonary hypertension
- Aneil Malhotra - Initiating and leading a Prevention, Rehabilitation & Sports Cardiology Service in the North of England
- Anvesha Singh - Local utilisation of cardiac imaging in ischaemic heart disease: producing a combined cardiac imaging request form to streamline the referral pathway
- Arjun Ghosh - Developing a complete CAR T cell cardio-oncology programme – how the BCS ELP showed the way
- Daniel O'Hare - Development of a Non-Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia treatment pathway
- Helena Bolam - Referral Management for Patients with Suspected Heart Failure during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ibrahim Yearoo - Improving Efficacy and Sustainability of Virtual Cardiology Clinics
- Joanna Lim - The Creation Of The Oxford Heart Centre Staff Well-being Team
- Laura Dobson - Development of a novel Complex Valve Assessment Clinic
- Paul Haydock - Developing an Integrated, Multidisciplinary Clinic for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients and their Carers from across the Wessex Region
- Rajiv Sankaranarayanan - Community IV Diuretics for acute decompensated heart failure using a portable elastomeric pump and point of care blood tests
- Rebecca Dobson - Equality in Cardiology; Encouraging and Supporting The Female Cardiologists of Today & Tomorrow
- Shazia Hussain - The evaluation of departmental adherence to the European Society of Cardiology guidelines in the assessment of ventricular function after Myocardial Infarction
- William Moody - Extending the Reach of Expert Amyloidosis Care: Development of a Hub-and-Spoke Model