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Approval Process 
Event approval requires the BCS Quality Indicators (below) to be fulfilled.
This information will then be assessed by the Education Committee Chair for approval.
Fees will be waived for approved educational programmes from BCS Affiliated Societies and other National Cardiac Societies, or at the discretion of the BCS.

To gain BCS Approval, educational programmes should fulfil the following BCS Quality Indicators:

  • Non-promotional educational programmes.
  • Educational content with an evidence base, and in line with the current cardiology curriculum.
  • Stated specific learning objectives.
  • A documented, robust and transparent feedback process on all aspects of the course, which is used to improve any subsequent course programmes.
  • Not a direct competitor to specific BCS educational programmes.

Although the BCS does not have an exclusive mandate for the training of Trainee Cardiologists in the UK, which lies with the respective Deaneries, the knowledge and expertise of BCS members and our Affiliated Societies allow us to develop high quality education programme and content for our Trainees. To facilitate this, educational programmes are highlighted as "BCS Approved” Education. Primarily, these educational programmes are expected to come from BCS Affiliated Societies or the UK Health Education Regions.

This strategy of highlighting quality education for Trainees is supported by the Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC) in Cardiology, with a plan to ensure both comprehensive coverage of the curriculum and national dissemination to encourage consistency and equity of access.

Other BCS Approved educational courses and materials

Many other educational courses and materials that have educational value are not designed specifically for Trainees. These courses and materials can still be considered for BCS Approval if being of significant educational value.