Committees & Divisions

Committees and Divisions of the BCS

Committees & Divisions

The work of the BCS is split into five divisions.

Each Division is headed by an elected Vice President who is a member of the Society, or the President and/or Honorary Secretary. Within each division there are a number of committees, each responsible for reviewing and directing set areas of BCS work.
View the membership of our committees.

Divisions and Committees

The Clinical Standards Division looks after the work that British Cardiovascular Society undertakes with regard to the setting and monitoring of clinical standards, both personal and institutional. The VP works to ensure that BCS achieves its objective of being the lead organisation in Britain in setting and monitoring the standard, audit and workforce planning within cardiovascular medicine.
Clinical Standards Committee

Remit: To define and agree national clinical and professional standards for individual and organisational practice in cardiovascular healthcare. To review clinical and professional standards published by national organisations and to advise on regulatory and professional matters which could affect the practice of cardiovascular healthcare in the UK. In addition, the new committee will subsume work of disbanded Professional Standards & Peer Review Committee, and Cardiac Workforce Committee.

Guidelines and Practice Committee

Remit: To review, and where felt appropriate, endorse guidelines and to consider and respond to issues relating to the professional clinical practice of Society members.

The Division looks after relationships with other organisations such as Department of Health, the Royal Colleges, ESC, ACC and other Specialist Societies. It is responsible for representation of the society both in Britain and abroad and for engaging with the media on matters of public or professional interest involving cardiovascular health.

The President of the BCS and Honorary Secretary have individual and some joint responsibility for the committees within the division.

Imaging Council
Remit: The remit of the Imaging Council is to raise the profile of cardiac imaging, improve cohesive working between imaging sub-specialties and provide coordinated advice to bodies responsible for training.
Heart Management Committee

Remit: Responsible for all matters other than editorial issues relevant to the financial administration and success of Heart, Open Heart and Heart Asia, the journals jointly owned by the British Cardiovascular Society and the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

Joint RCP/BCS Speciality Committee

Remit: The Joint Cardiology Committee of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) is one of the constituent committees linking the Royal College with the Specialty Professional Societies.

Responsible to the Medical Specialties Committee of the RCP and the Council of the BCS, its Chairman is a member of the RCP Medical Specialities Committee and the Council of the BCS. The work of the Committee is largely related to informing the National Institute of Clinical Excellence, the Specialty Advisory Committee, as well as the committees, working parties and associated units of the RCP. The committee assists with providing advice related to Clinical Excellence Awards.

The Education and Research division is responsible for the delivery of high-quality education in cardiology, to pioneer novel and modern approaches to education delivery and ensuring support of academic cardiology and research within the BCS. A major role of the VP Education and Research is also directing the BCS Annual Conference and Exhibition.

The division is also responsible for establishing a national cardiovascular clinical research network in partnership with the BHF (BHFCRC Clinical Research Collaborative) with the ambition to improve and amplify the contribution of all those involved in cardiovascular care.

Programme Committee

Remit: Responsible for developing and delivering the educational and scientific components of the BCS Annual Conference for trainees and members of the British Cardiovascular Society. The committee aims to provide education across a broad range of cardiology topics and highlight the latest in cardiovascular research.

Education Committee

Remit: Responsible for the development and delivery of the Society’s educational programme. This includes: ensuring the BCS portfolio of courses is high quality and meets the needs of our broad membership in terms of focus and content; contributing educational content for the BCS Annual Conference via the BCS Programme Committee and development of educational content for the BCS website.

The Training Division looks after the strategic development of the cardiovascular training of doctors and other health care professionals who work within the disciplines represented by the BCS and its Affiliated Groups.

The Vice-President for Training leads the Society on all training issues, liaising closely with the VP for Education and Research. The VP Training is also the Chair of the SAC (RCP).

Training Commitee

Remit: To facilitate the functioning of the Cardiology SAC and help achieve its aims which are:

  • to write, monitor and update the specialty training curriculum (in line with GMC standards)
  • to set the standards for medical training and assessment in cardiovascular medicine to participate in the CCT process by enrolling and supporting trainees, monitoring their progress, processing requests for Out of Programme Experience, including research and making recommendations to the PMETB for the award of CCT/CESR.
  • to contribute to the quality management of postgraduate training, liaising between Deaneries and Royal Colleges and facilitating the provision of external advice for training programmes.
  • to provide an annual specialty report (ASR) to the PMETB/GMC, including a summary of notable practice and key issues, based on examination results, external reports and specialty reports from Heads of School.
  • to work closely with other organisations (Specialist Societies, Deaneries and Royal Colleges) in relation to training issues and workforce and selection planning.
Specialty Advisory Committee of the Royal College of Physicians

Remit: Works as part of the JRCPTB advising the three Royal Colleges of Physicians about issues relating to training in cardiology. It has the responsibility to draft and update the curriculum (both basic and advanced sections) and to advise on methods of teaching and assessment. The SAC is also responsible for signing off every trainee in cardiology to ensure that the training they have received is consistent with the requirements of the curriculum. For a members list please see RCP website.

The Corporate and Financial Division has responsibility for the finances of the BCS, including banking, the management of BCS investment, the provision of audited accounts, and all work relating to the day to day business of the Society, such as staff and building management. The Society shares management of Heart with BMJ Publishing through this division.

Finance Committee
Remit: Responsible for regularly reviewing and recommending action to be undertaken to ensure the financial health of the Society.

Working Groups and Networks

The BCS also has a number of working groups and networks that are created to look at evolving issues or to work on one-off projects.

Regional Specialty Advisers act as a link between the British Cardiovascular Society, the Royal College of Physicians and local cardiovascular communities. Their role is to provide the BCS and RCP with reports on the local provision of cardiac services and highlight any significant concerns, if they arise.

RSAs coordinate local input into the annual BCS workforce surveys, provide advice and support on the strengthened appraisal and revalidation of cardiologists and work alongside the RCP Regional Adviser on issues such as resolving job descriptions for new posts, sit on consultant cardiologist Advisory Appointments Committees and provide input into the nomination of cardiologists for FRCP. RSAs are available to provide cardiologists in their area with advice about service provision.

RSAs are joint appointments between the BCS and the RCP. They serve the same Regions as the RCP.

The British Cardiovascular Society is committed to increasing the number of women training in cardiology and to promote the participation of female cardiologists at local and national level.

Terms of Reference
  • To identify and develop new initiatives to attract female medical graduates into cardiology and increase the number of women entering cardiology in the UK
  • To support the career development of women doctors training in cardiolo
  • To increase the membership, representation and participation of women in BCS
  • To investigate the career progression of female cardiologists
  • To establish a mentoring programme

BCS holds a list of consultant cardiologists who have offered to be Mentors to BCS Members. Junior Trainees (ST3 and above) can be put in touch with a either local Mentor or with a mentor involved in a specific sub-specialty of cardiology.


The Ischaemic Heart Disease (IHD) Working Party was formed in June 2023 following a recommendation from the Council of the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS). The IHD Working Party acts as an advisory body to the BCS Executive and Board of Trustees. The Working Party can issue recommendations and proposals to the Executive Committee and Board in relation to IHD activities, initiatives and future plans aligned to BCS priorities. The Working Party adheres to Terms of Reference which are reviewed annually.


The main responsibilities of the IHD Working Party include:

  1. To lead on and develop initiatives that promote education, research, and healthcare (primary and secondary) for IHD.
  2. To establish clear lines of engagement with BCS Executive and Board advising on programmes of work recommended to ensure the BCS IHD Working Party initiatives are developed and delivered in line with BCS strategic goals.
  3. To promote awareness and address issues pertinent to IHD, including coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial ischaemia with no obstructive coronary arteries (INOCA) and myocardial infarction with no obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA), notably in under-served groups.
  4. To facilitate development and delivery of activities pertinent to the needs identified by the Committee.
  5. To ensure effective collaboration with other key BCS Committees including Corporate Development and Finance Committee, and Education Committee to ensure BCS values crosscut all activities.
  6. To ensure effective collaboration and engagement with Affiliated Societies.


The membership of the Working Party includes representatives of the BCS and Affiliated Board, Committee or Council Members of Affiliated Societies. The members include people with lived experience of IHD, trainees, and the Honorary Secretary of the BCS. The founding chairperson is Colin Berry, Member of the BCS. The chairperson and Working Party members will normally serve for a maximum of 3 years. The Working Party is accountable to the Board of Trustees of the British Cardiovascular Society through the Executive Committee. In exceptional circumstances, non-BCS members may, with the approval of the Executive of the British Cardiovascular Society, be co-opted to serve on the Working Party.